How you should not to build

In this section, we want to tell you what to do with our unscrupulous colleagues. Perhaps this experience will help someone to save more than one hundred thousand rubles and save a lot of time and nerves. If you or your friends have a sad experience, please share with us. We will post this information on the site and help us. Please send photos as soon as possible. With your permission, we will comment on some of your stories.

How you should not to build

– Hello! They were good people, they were good guys, they gave money for the foundation, the movement went: they dug a pit, we brought the armature … and disappeared.

Our comment: without comment, as they say.

Several years ago I was going to build a house, I got a tender for a foundation, 380,000 rubles, from private owners 320000 rubles, naturally I did not consider myself a looser and hired private traders. Saved! Filled crooked, the difference in height of 10 centimeters, the walls are not parallel to each other, the blind area has fallen off and is cracked, the reinforcement remains a lot, it just rusts on the site. All the advice is at least build the foundation with professionals.

НOur comment: unfortunately it often happens, it is difficult to understand the level of the brigade’s skill before they started doing something, and for many specific works it will take several years.

– Hello. Your site is very useful, sorry. I did not find it. I make repairs to the apartment with private traders, at what I used to do with the apartment. Recently showed an estimate to a friend who owns a construction company. A nightmare: to try to deceive through time, prices for some materials are 40% higher than market prices, the volumes of materials are overstated, in the sand 4 times !!!, several types of work are generally attributed. And the end and edge of this repair is not visible.

Our comment: this is a common practice. What can I advise? Or give the estimate even before the start of the repair to someone for verification, or arm themselves with reference books on work technologies and material consumption rates.

– We have such a situation: we hired private traders, like the contract was signed and the estimates were made, but when it’s time to pay, we were exposed to the price for painting twice as much, and this extra 44,000 rubles. We were motivated by the fact that in the estimate it is indicated that the price of painting is for one layer, but you see it had to be painted 2 times, because the first time it is not stained.

Our comment: most likely there is an easy option for extortion. According to the technology it is necessary to paint the surface 2 times, and builders should know this. We also recommend checking the paint consumption – there may also be surprises.

How you should not to build

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