Questions and answers

Most likely it is a condensate, which is formed due to the fact that the roof of the house is not properly insulated, the ventilation of the under-roof space is not arranged. The solution is one – you have to dismantle the roof skin from the bottom and eliminate the reasons.

Of course it’s possible to build a house in such a place (practically the whole of Bataysk is in this position). We can say what kind of foundation is needed, but for this we need the parameters of the house: from what will be built, what kind of overlapping, the type of roof, the purpose of the building (house, store, etc.).

Perhaps this is due to the high level of groundwater or the increased level of water discharge. Check the system for possible leaks, especially all bathrooms. If there are no leaks, then the causes are external, they will have to be pumped out. It may be advisable to make an overflow pit next to the old, thus increasing the volume of water taken. If the groundwater rises above the pit level, then it makes sense to make a large pit cesspit.

It makes sense only if you do not like any other kind of finishing. Rise in price on the last object, with an area of 90 m2 (just considered the client two options for finishing) – 110 000 azn.

The fact is that we operate with real, not with promotional prices. With a close analysis of proposals like “a house from 6000 azn” you will find that this is a house without blind area, doors, windows, foundations, perhaps even without the delivery of materials to you on the site.

We want to warn you and other customers from working with such “builders”. The fact is that to calculate the cost of work it is necessary: to go to the site, to make measurements, to determine the materials and parameters of the superstructure, to evaluate the dismantling of existing structures, to conduct a visual inspection of the foundation and to decide whether an additional armopause is needed or not. And only after that it will be possible to answer the question, how much it costs.

In our houses, due to the use of lightweight structures, the amount of metal per square meter of the wall is several times smaller than in traditional panel ones. In addition, we note that mainly the microclimate of the building is affected by such parameters as the absence of phenol and styrene-containing heaters, air permeability of the structure (when they say “walls breathe”, this parameter is meant). On these indicators, our houses are absolutely friendly to humans.

Of course. At the moment, we have completed the design work and started building an office building with an area of 620 m2. For detailed advice, please contact our specialists.

Financial opportunities do not allow you to immediately pay for the foundation, and the house, and installation. Is it possible to order a specialist to visit the site to determine the characteristics of the basement (the project of the house is chosen), to make a foundation before the winter, and next year to take up the house?”]
It is certainly possible to order a specialist to visit the facility. This service is free when making a contract. For the work on laying the foundation, you need to sign a contract for design and construction with us. After that, we provide you with a working project, which also includes the foundation drawings.

Our capabilities allow us to deliver products in various trim levels: from profiles cut to your dimensions to the assembled frame. In addition, our designers are ready to adapt almost any project to Swedish energy-saving technology. Confirm or deny: “However, in most cases, insulation is used in the form of thermal insulation in the form of mineral wool, which, despite the obvious advantages over other types of insulation, has a number of significant drawbacks: eventually sags, becomes wet and collapses. This leads to a reduction in the thermal insulation and noise-absorbing characteristics of the house.
The processes you mention do take place in conventional mineral wool. The fact is that in such cotton wool the binding solutions are made in the form of an aqueous solution. This is what eventually leads to a change in the consumer characteristics of the insulation, as when condensation of water vapor in such a heater dissolves and flushes out the binder. To our clients we strongly recommend the use of Thermoflok cellulose insulation (Ecowool): it is free from the drawbacks indicated by you.

Since the weight of the house is low (a square meter of the wall weighs no more than 50-60 kilograms) almost any soil is suitable for building a house. The main difference lies in the type of foundation used in this or that case. Depending on the characteristics of the soil, it can be either a strip foundation, or a pile, or a slab. Finally, the required type of foundation can be determined after the departure of our specialist to the site.

In this case, everything depends on the choice of your choice of delivery. In any case, for the construction of the house “turnkey” (you get a fully finished house with external and internal decoration, installed in the sanitary, floors, etc.), we recommend starting with the selection of the project. Next, we will compile an estimate and give you the amount accurate to the azn.
I was attracted to some of your projects. And as far as possible to buy from you the project documentation itself, in order to build a house of local materials on it.
In principle, the purchase of our project is possible. The cost depends on the footage of the house, the project of which you wanted to purchase. However, we want to draw your attention to the fact that all project documentation is developed taking into account the use of our technology and materials. In order to build a house of local materials, you will either have to look for materials with absolutely similar characteristics (especially with regard to the thermoprofile) or recalculate the entire project taking into account the available materials.

Unfortunately, we are not engaged in realtor activity. Accordingly, the cost of land for the house is not included in the prices indicated on the site. If you need to choose a site for the construction of your house, we recommend that you contact our official partners in this direction.

According to studies conducted by the British Steel Association, the thermoprofile (used as the bearing frame of the house) does not lose its qualities for 100 years. The materials used in the production of panels also have good characteristics in terms of their service.

The practice of operating such houses in the northern conditions is certainly there. The houses built using this technology have proven themselves in the Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and other regions. Freezing of the walls in winter will not be unambiguous. To drastically reduce the thermal conductivity, the through-groove longitudinal grooves are cut through the thermal profile in a staggered manner, so that the heat flow path is extended, the lateral heat-insulating properties are greatly improved and the effective thermal conductivity is reduced by 90%. The outer wall of the house (200 mm) replaces the wall of foam concrete with a width of 900 mm.

The structure of materials based on stone and glass wool is such that even at a humidity of 5% the resistance to heat transfer drops by 50%, in addition, when installing a plate or roll insulation through the joints, up to 35% of the heat is lost. Another of the drawbacks of these materials is shrinkage over time. When warming the roof, we use a thermo flock – an environmentally friendly insulation, 80% consisting of cellulose. More information about the thermo flock can be found on our website in the section “Overview of the basic thermal insulation materials.

The cost of building a standard cottage includes a fully finished house, prepared for a fine finish. Details of typical houses are described in the section “Typical projects

Yes, you can. To make changes to the standard project, you need to contact our managers. If we are talking about finishing materials, then everything is simpler, in the case of changes in the construct it will take some time.

Most likely the house is insulated from the outside with poor quality: if the insulation was used glass wool, it could shrink, in addition, poor quality or not made moistureproof insulation. Hence the freezing. For a more accurate diagnosis, please call one of our specialists by phone.

Excellent thermo-insulating properties have a thermoflock, several times better than mineral wool and many other materials. And if you take into account the environmental friendliness of the material, the speed of installation, then it generally has no equal in matters of noise isolation.

Protect from moisture insulation is very necessary. The fact is that when wetting glass wool and other similar materials lose their insulating properties – that is, in fact, they cease to be heaters. So at a humidity of 5% in mineral wool, its heat-shielding properties are reduced by 50%. Pay special attention to the joints and junctions when installing mineral wool, including the joints of steam and moisture-proof membranes.

The frame of the building is not made of ordinary, but of galvanized metal, which makes it resistant to moisture, even at 100% humidity with galvanized metal nothing happens. Surely you have met buildings in which galvanized corrugated board is used for exterior decoration – they stand and stand for a long time, no rust and traces of corrosion.

Of course you can: our technology allows you to build two and three floors – the weight of the frame itself in terms of 1m2 of built-up area will be in the area of 60 kg., In a compartment with a cladding and a heater of about 120 – often this is even less than dismantled in such cases old roof. The cost of such works is from 13,000 rubles per square meter of area. The exact amount can be found after the departure of our specialist for the facility and a detailed estimate.

The optimal solution in this case is the use of screw piles. Bearing capacity of piles is enough for any cottage. For more information contact our manager for screw piles.

To date, we have an office building of 1000 m2 in our work, a superstructure of two floors above the existing building with an area of 296 m2, a boathouse with a rest room and a veranda in three levels of 192 m2, a private clinic in the Moscow Region with an area of 1040 m2. The technology can be viewed on any of these objects.

Can. For those who want to build a house on their own, we offer several options – simply fabrication and delivery of the frame in exact accordance with the project, delivery and assembly of the frame. In the first case, the cost of the frame will be up to 6000 rm2, with our assembly in the area of 7900 r. And in either case, we will provide you with a complete set of assembly documentation and free consultations of our specialists right at your site with the issuance of written recommendations. And even if you fail or just tired of building a house, we are at any stage ready to connect to the process and help you (naturally for a modest reward). Read more about this in the section of the House with your own hands.

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